" Our love must not be a thing of words and fine talk. It must be a thing of action and sincerity. "
1 John 3:18


Friday, July 23, 2010


Ohhhh the princess

this was the boat that brought all the campers in! and this is a Summer staff guy zip-lining down to welcome them.

Okay, so I never got to really have a blog for Malibu, and all the wonderful things there, so I will attempt to put up a few pictures, and just let you see from there, I feel like I honestly couldn't describe in words [ as cheesy as that sounds] how amazing it was, from the people I met, to the scenery around me at all times.
ALL incredible. :)

The Camp Lit up at night.

This is where I worked [ The totem Trader,] and this is now, one of my best friends, Jordan who worked there with me !

Scenery, and
"Inspiration Point"

My "Molly-Pocket" ( She was on work crew, and worked with Jordan and I all month, I fell in-love with her, and she reminded me of my love for Young Life, she is so special to me. ) Terri was my retail boss, but quickly became like a mother to me, I know God directly placed her in my life! And jordy :) so wonderful and precious to me.

These were my wonderful Roomates, and now amazing friends :) Jordan, DeAnna, and Abbie. I love them so much!

All of my new, beautiful friends from all over. SO dear to me. :)

Two of the craziest guys I have ever met, Jeff and Jesse. :)

Leah, Jaymi, Allison, Jordy, and ColTon!

After Canada, I got to spend a few days in Seattle with a few people from Summer Staff.

These are just a few of the hundreds of pictures that I have of my trip, but I thought it would be nice to have on here for keeping track of my travels! Hopefully there are a lot more of these in the future!

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