" Right now you experience an inner duality; your emotions, passions, and feelings seem separate from you heart. The needs of your body seem separate from you deeper self. Your thoughts and dreams seem separate from your spiritual longing. You are called to unity. That is the good news of the Incarnation. The Word becomes flesh, and thus a new place is made where all of you and all of God can dwell. When you have found that unity, you will be truly free.
- " Trust in the Place of Unity"
by Henri J. M. Nouwen
Recently, I have been feeling a little, i dunno, like my joy is being attacked, and there are just certain things that have gone on lately that are really challenging me. I know that my heart is in this certain place, and where I want, and long to be, but my actions, emotions and feelings are telling me different. I keep coming back to it. This has been a pretty rough cycle for me, for quite some time, but needless to say, I am hopeful. Ashley Marshall gave me a sweet little book for my birthday, that is filled with wonderful little 1 to 2 page entries that really speak truth into what I am going through. So today, this was that one I discovered, and I think I can understand a little better.
Your thoughts and dreams seem separate from your spiritual longing.<--- this part rings very true to me right now. I have things that I think about a lot, and they do not quite line up with my spiritual longing. But I see where I am, and where I want to be, and those are two different things, so I want to keep taking steps towards uniting the two. Maybe this makes sense? Somehow it all made sense to me.
I have also realized, I have become COMFORTABLE with all the discomfort I allow in my life, and so much so, that I am ANxious to lose it. ha CRAZY right?! yes, it is. But praise the lord I am starting to see it now, it goes from anything to relationships, and volleyball, or just things in general, and I am sick of changing to fit other things or peoples visions of what I should do, or trying to mold, I want to be who I, LINDSEY HARRIS, is in Christ, and step out and realize that it is alright to let go of the things that are holding me back from becoming truly free.
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